Summer lets us visit a new winery, a yacht race, a television writer, a personal stylist, and more in our latest issue. Welcome, June!
Summer lets us visit a new winery, a yacht race, a television writer, a personal stylist, and more in our latest issue. Welcome, June!
The “staycation” trend makes so much sense: Put together a day or weekend trip for your family, and save time (and money) on the travel itself.
Last year’s Wine on Wayzata Bay fundraiser for Wayzata Sailing included beloved elements like a wine tasting, snacks, music and boat rides until sunset. This year’s bash is on June 28—watch for more info in next month’s issue of Lake Minnetonka Magazine.
In February, the Hopkins Education Foundation hosted its annual royal bash to benefit Hopkins Public Schools. The evening included a program, an auction, dancing, great food and more at the Marriott Minnetonka Southwest.
Copper Cow is a friendly place for business lunches, girlfriend get-togethers, family dinners with the kids, night caps and everything in between.
Wayzata’s summer community events are now under one splashy brand.
This month, we asked photographer Nancy Cohodes to tell us about “Land Canoeing,” which received third place in our Activities & Events category.
Wayzata-based TV producer, writer and actor Bo Kaprall shares his show biz success story, from "Laverne & Shirley" to "Saturday Night Live" and more.
Some people explore a life in the theater because they fall in love with a particular show. For others, it’s because they dream of applause. For Minnetonka native Ari Koehnen Sweeney, it was a family matter.
Scott McGinnis’ personal history with the Lake Minnetonka area began back in 1856, when his ancestors moved south of Excelsior.
For the first time since 2006, Lake Minnetonka will be home to the exclusive youth regatta that crowns the national sailing champion every year.
The Whispering Cave calls itself a “sacred salt sanctuary,” and it’s a place for clients to connect with their bodies—including all of their senses.
The lives of the Halsted brothers ended sadly near the Lake Minnetonka bay that bears their name.
A staycation is friendlier on the wallet, while still doing the mind and body good.
Our columnist Anne Marie Ruff Grewal reflects on this month’s “exuberance” of growth.
"Con Todo El Mundo" is the perfect music for your chic cocktail hour and recommended for fans of Can, Portishead or Thundercat.
For June, try one of our columnist's favorite wines to pair with any hearty meat on the barbecue—though cabernet lovers will enjoy this all on its own.
The Tattooist of Auschwitz, by Heather Morris, is a powerful novel based on the true story of Ludwig “Lale” Sokolov, who was imprisoned at Auschwitz and was conscripted to tattoo prisoner numbers onto the arms of his fellow Jews.
Practical advice for getting things done from local media maven Natalie Webster.
Minnesotans live for the summer. Every year when the days get longer and sunnier, our spirits begin to lighten, too.